Montessori Sewing Works by Aimee Fagan, author of Sewing in the Montessori Classroom: a practical life curriculum
Maria Montessori stated that the activities of practical life should be meaningful, looking around my classroom, I wanted to find activities that still had meaning for today’s children. Polishing is great, but how many children really see their parents polishing the silver place settings? Spooning, tonging, pouring, and the like are quickly mastered when we leave the lessons simple and isolated on the tray. What materials could we use that would appeal to the 3-year-old and remain enticing through age 6 or beyond? Sewing.
A child’s engagement with practical life materials is what prepares him for later success in the classroom. These handwork activities directly tie into the main goals of Montessori practical life works — coordination, concentration, independence, and a sense of order. These truly are the most important goals of Montessori pedagogy. Without a strong foundation in practical life, the child won’t have the necessary skills to be able to do the bank game, the moveable alphabet, and such. Through my observations in my class, I always find that sewing works produce the deepest moments of concentration of any of the practical life works I have available.
We group our sewing works into four general categories — preliminary activities, early sewing, intermediate sewing, and advanced. We do follow a sequence, where different lessons build on one another, and the child does have to master some skills before moving to the next lesson. At the moment we have over 30 sewing lessons and projects that we use in our classroom.
As you can tell, I really like sewing, and because of this, we have an entire sewing shelf in our classroom. Do you need a whole shelf? No, not at all, these works can easily be incorporated into an existing practical life area or an art area.
Last year, for our class of 22 children, we had two dedicated sewing trays and then about 4 to 6 self-contained sewing works on the sewing shelf at any given time. Depending on your home or class, you can adjust as needed.
Basic Materials
•Sewing Trays - Scissors, embroidery thread, magnet, needle threader, needle (sharp enough to go through felt and with a large eye), a dish to hold all the little pieces, and a pin cushion
•Assortment of felt, cloth, buttons, and various colors of embroidery floss, all in different containers. These are added to the shelf as we introduce new works that need the materials.
•Trays for self-contained works
•Holding the card in the subdominant hand, use the dominant hand to go “up from the bottom, down from the top,” through the pre-punched holes, demonstrating a running stitch.
•Invite the child to try.
•Child can take home the postcard when finished.
Notes: Most likely, the child will not sew perfectly along the edge when they start this work, and that is fine! It is just a reminder that next time we see the child choose that work, we might want to come over and sit and simply say, “Up from the bottom, down from the top” for a few of the stitches and then allow them to practice on their own.
Threading a Needle
•Pincushion or cork
•Needle with large eye
•Needle threader
•Precut length of thread (if this is being used as a stand-alone work)
•Magnet (optional, to hold needle and needle threader)
•Small dish for magnet
•Tray to hold materials
•Invite the child to the lesson and take the tray to the table.
•Holding the needlepoint out the eye and naming it. I say, “This is the eye, it’s not like our eye, but it’s the same word.”
•Place the needle in the pincushion, showing that the eye is still up.
•Take the needle threader in the dominant hand and slide the large hook through the eye — do not let go of the needle threader.
•Pick up the thread with the subdominant hand, and place it over the hook with about a two-inch tail at one end.
•Using the dominant hand that is still holding the needle threader, pull the hook of the needle threader back through the eye, and until one end of the thread has come through the eye, you will have to brace the needle with the subdominant hand.
•Point out that there is an end of the thread on each side of the eye.
•Remove the threader, and invite the child to try it.
•This is a hard task to master, often with younger children, I place my hands over their hands as they guide the needle threader through the eye, and I help them keep it steady as they place the thread on the hook.
•The hook can get caught on the side of the needle, I try to show the child what has happened (otherwise they just keep pulling), and then we push the needle threader back through and try to remove it again slowly.
•We don’t require perfect mastery of needle threading before the child moves on, but we do have them practice as often as possible. If they are still struggling, we have the ask an older child to hold, or if we are available, we will represent the lesson.
•Pincushion or cork
•Needle with large eye
•Needle threader
•Embroidery floss wrapped on a plastic bobbin
•A pair of scissors
•Magnet (optional, to hold needle and needle threader)
•Small dish for magnet
•Tray to hold materials
•Invite the child to the lesson and take the materials to the table.
•Measure the thread and cut. We use the measurement of the length of the table or the length of the child’s arm — it ends up beginning about 20 inches. Based on your environment, you can adjust your method of measuring the thread.
•Thread the needle.
•Remove the needle from the pincushion.
Now, also in the dominant hand, grab the end of the needle by the eye...
•With the subdominant hand, grasp the hanging floss in the middle.
•With the subdominant hand, wrap the floss around the needle three times.
•Now hold the tip of the needle with the subdominant hand.
•Slide the dominant handgrip up to include the thread that was wrapped around the needle.
•Holding the tip of the needle with the subdominant hand, slide the dominant hand (which is holding the wrapped thread) off the end of the needle and to the end of the thread.
•Cut the knot and return the materials to the tray, or start sewing
•This is one of the lessons that I usually do interactively, rather than the traditional Montessori way of the teacher presenting the whole lesson, and then inviting the child. Since it is so complex, I find that children tend to master it faster if we do it together, and I use my hands to guide them — hand over hand.
•This is a challenging lesson, and again if a child hasn’t mastered it, we just continue to give this mini-lesson in whatever sewing work they are doing.
•If a child develops another way of tying a knot, fantastic!
•A prepared sewing tray
•A collection of fabric (can be burlap or regular broadcloth) with basic shapes drawn in marker
•A variety of embroidery hoops — I prefer the sturdy plastic ones, but any will do.
•Invite the child to the lesson, gather the materials, and take them to the table.
•Have the child thread the needle and tie a knot, help as needed.
•Demonstrate how to open the embroider hoop — close it and invite the child to open it.
•Lay the bottom hoop on the table, and then place the cloth on top. Push the second hoop over the top and tighten the hoops.
•Hold the hoop in the subdominant hand and the needle in the dominant hand.
•Sew up from the bottom, following the line for the shape.
•Continue to sew along the line.
•Tie a knot when finished.
•Remove embroider hoop.
•Return the materials to the shelf.